
rollup-banner-02Mississippi Valley Tree Experts, Inc. provides a full range of “plant healthcare” services for woody plants in all landscape situations. We begin with an on-site overview and consultation. If your questions have to do with one specific subject, we are happy to address that issue. If you’re not sure if you have any problems, but would like to have an arborist take a look around, we can arrange a time to walk your property and identify your plants, their condition and their needs. We can help with any problem that might be identified, from consulting to providing the necessary service to remedy any situation.

Consulting and working with an ISA certified arborist is essential when seeking solutions to complex tree problems.  A sick trees’ appearance and ultimate survival depends on proper dosing and technique when using chemicals and application equipment.



-insect pest control

-infectious disease control

-fertilizing (biostimulants)

-tree growth regulators

-drought stress

-environmental stresses

-urban stress

-soil compaction


-general landscape (woody plants)

-forest landscape (woody plants)

-plant healthcare (woody plants)

-historic trees

-construction damage

-tree identification

-tree inventory

-tree selection

-proper pruning practices


-direct trunk injections

-soil injections


-air spade (aeration)


-soil amendments













